
The making of instrument no 400. Click here to watch on YouTube

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Premiere of Ingemar Sevemyr's documentary film about Peter Westerlund "Violin no 380"

On Saturday, March 9, we had a preview of the documentary film "Violin nr 380" for specially invited guests. The film is about violinmaker Peter Westerlund and is made by Ingemar Sevemyr.

Violinist Madelene Berg from the Oslo Opera in Norway surprised the audience by starting the evening playing Norwegian Dance No. 1 by Halvorsen on her Westerlund instrument, violin no. 374.

Governor Minoo Akhtarzand, honored the event and delivered a speech before the film began.

Among the guests were the municipal councils from Norberg and Avesta, as well as the other invited.

The evening of honor we had a longer mingle break where drinks and home-made chocolates by Caroline Normark

The film was shown to the public on Sunday 17 March at Folkets Hus in Norberg.

Peter Westerlund

Pictures from the premiere

Peter Westerlund and Governor
Minoo Aktharzand
Madelene Berg, violinist Ingela Sevemyr welcomes guests of the evening
Caroline Normark prepares the serving of her fantastic chocolate pralines Preparations for the evening by Cecilia Westerlund and Rasmus Andersson Governor Minoo Aktharzand
Director Ingemar Sevemyr Mingel during the break Madelene Berg playing for the audience